Saturday, February 12, 2011

Importance of finance

Before blogging let us first know WHY FINANCE???

Importance of Corporate Finance
Corporate finance deals with financial decisions which an organization makes, whether it's investments, analysis of credit, selling of assets or products or acquiring assets. Maximizing corporate value and at the same time Matters related to taxes which a corporation has to pay are also taken into consideration when dealing with corporate finance. 

Importance of Finance in Business
Finance for a business can't be undervalued and can be said that it's the lifeline of a business and is required for its well being. It can be said to be a lubricant which keeps the business running.

Importance of Finance Department in a Company
The finance department in a company is of utmost importance as they are responsible for financial planning ensuring that adequate funds are available for achieving the objectives of the organization. Moreover, it is the finance department which makes sure that the prices are controlled, besides looking after the cash flow and controlling profitability levels. One of the most important jobs of the finance department of a company is to identify the necessary financial information which should be revealed to managers so that they can make informed decisions and judgments. The department is also responsible for making financial documents and preparing the final accounts so that they can be presented in the annual general meetings of the company. 

Importance of Personal Finance
Personal finance budgeting is an important part of your long term plans to gain financial stability, especially after retirement. You need to have a clear idea of what you want in future such as the amount of money you want after retirement, the location of a place to live in, etc. You need to have a plan and goal of translating these ideas into reality. You also need to consider the things you have purchased in the past and the kind of things which you will purchase later on. This is an important step as this reflects that your will come up with a retirement planning for the future. You must be capable of identifying the good as well as bad choices you make. 



  2. Good initiative Anchal..keep up the good work!!

  3. hey thanks anchal for takinf initiative...hopefully all of us will start contributing sum good stuff.
